We are is pleased to announce that STACK is now available! This additional feature of the DataFarming platform complements the 5 day satellite NDVI imagery (showing vegetation health) you can access for free right now.
What is STACK?
STACK represents the variability in your paddocks over multiple years. By basing the analysis on NDVIs from multiple seasons, short-term effects from seasonal variations will be smoothed out, resulting in a better basis for assessing long-term trends. Stacks are ideal for more reliable soil test locations, variable-rate seeding, zoning, and on-farm trials.
This is the first release, so please give us your feedback on the product so that we can continue to improve it. This product is payable by invoice only at this stage. You will be billed via your login details at $0.60/ha.
For those who aren’t already a DataFarming user, login through the link: maps.datafarming.com.au or through our website home page. Just click on the login link and draw or upload your paddocks. We expect this interface to be intuitive and user friendly, but if you have any difficulties, please don’t hesitate to contact us at support@datafarming.com.au.
The end-result of a STACK analysis is a preview of the 5 zones for each paddock selected (you can run multiple paddocks at once), and a zones shapefile. The shapefile of the 5 zones may be downloaded, and application rates defined. In the next product release, these paddocks will be available on the main screen so that you can locate yourself in the paddock using a tablet or phone.