The DataFarming team takes accurate paddock level data and turns it into industry level solutions via our Agri-Intelligence™ platform.
We believe collaboration is the key to industry success and progression.
The DataFarming team is already working with the industry to deliver these solutions:
• Regional wide crop type identification
• Pest and disease incidence and distribution
• Seasonal forecasts and real time crop monitoring
• Automated paddock drawing
• Fallow land detection to a paddock level
• Soil water mapping Australia wide

Commercialisation of research is a key focus and our partnership with leading Australian universities and innovative commercial businesses, provides the science behind our Agri-Intelligence solutions.
Our solutions are completely independent and provided for wider agricultural benefit.
One example of a project initiative with a broader benefit to farmers and industry is our Digital Earth Australia (DEA) pilot. Geoscience Australia’s DEA platform uses spatial imagery recorded by satellites to detect changes across Australia in unprecedented detail. The DataFarming team is undertaking a project that aims to automatically draw every cropped field boundary in Australia, using DEA’s vast archives of satellite imagery data and machine learning algorithms to define paddock edges. The outcome of this project would be a win for farmers and agronomists, as it would remove the time-consuming manual step of defining farm maps. A $50,000 seed funding grant from the Australian Government is helping make this project possible.